Those days are over, as the Governor's budget starkly demonstrates.
Nothing could more starkly demonstrate the fog of partisanship that has enveloped the Senate.
BUT this year, what's really funny is Mayor Giuliani's starkly demonstrated resolve to control his own image-making by having his administration purge some public relations workers for suspected disloyalty in the agencies beyond City Hall's grasp.
These figures starkly demonstrate that if we do not pay up front to stem the drug epidemic, we will pay far more later to attend to its victims.
The combination of high unemployment and the unprecedented unwillingness of some at least of the unemployed to accept their fate passively, demonstrated more starkly than before the absence of systematic public provision fur the unemployed.
Several new economic reports demonstrate starkly the extent to which Americans' incomes have stalled, painting a depressing picture of workers struggling to crawl up a down escalator.
It starkly demonstrated the surprising paucity of identifiable future late-night stars.
Mr. Purtle's background starkly demonstrates the intertwining of issues and personalities in Arkansas.
A few months ago I had an experience that starkly demonstrated how important Mr. Turner is among younger musicians.
But the policy "starkly demonstrates that in Canada they're prepared to view AIDS as an emergency," Mr. Callen said.