No color at all figures in Jones's stark portraits.
The monitor faded to a stark portrait of Richards in his baggy gray workshirt, taken by a hidden camera days before.
The article paints a stark portrait of a self-absorbed politician headed down for the count who, sadly, is bringing his family down with him.
"People like it," Mr. Huang said of the stark, brooding portrait, taken from a film made 18 years ago.
The new data provide a stark and deteriorating portrait of tire safety in Explorers.
Other lawyers painted a stark portrait of the Family Court system.
The police painted a stark portrait of life in the home of Ms. Webb, who formally adopted the four girls last year.
They are stark portraits, revealing changes that have taken place in people's lives as recreation has grown to dominate Vermont's economy.
Publishers Weekly called it "a stark but engrossing portrait of contemporary rural Iran.
Early biographies tended to mythologize the composer, resulting in stark and sometimes highly contradictory portraits.