It was activated-Blade caught a glimpse of blue sky and stark, snow-crested mountains.
To his left towered a stark, barren mountain more than nine thousand feet high.
His landscapes often feature stark mountains in the background towering over still waters with open skies above.
The base was situated on a desert plain with stark, sheer mountains to the north and west.
A hundred emotions loomed like stark mountains, but he fed them into the flame until all was still.
In the distance, stark, bare mountains gave promise only of a higher desolation.
As we crossed the narrow tip of southern Albania, the road wound through stark mountains.
A backdrop of low, stark mountains adds to the sublime vista.
High and stark those mountains might be, but they were pockmarked with caves that would make satisfactory housing, at least for the present.
Inland you can choose between stark mountains and tranquil valleys; in fact, there are 32 protected areas that cover 42.7% of the island's surface.