Mr. Bush's comments, in a news conference at the White House, were a stark indication of concern within the West Wing over eroding support for the war.
In one stark indication of the strength of real estate in the city, the Time Warner building in Columbus Circle rose in value over the last year by more than $200 million to $1.2 billion.
The rebuff was seen here as a stark indication of Arab displeasure with the administration's more distant approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The takeover of District Council 37, New York City's largest municipal union, by its parent union in Washington is a stark indication of how far the council - once a revered pioneer of public sector unionism - has fallen.
One of the starkest indications of the "Himalayan" task facing Europeans in 1945 was the destruction of the housing stock.
Some Republicans called Mr. Morales's victory a stark indication of just how many white non-Hispanic voters in Texas had fled the Democratic Party to join the Republicans.
The ads are coming early in the campaign and provide a stark indication of how Mr. Bloomberg, a billionaire businessman, is preparing an onslaught of spending as he seeks a second term.
The discomfort only lasted a couple of hours but it was a stark indication of the suffering that inmates of this camp endured, without relief, except through death.
In Albana's story lies perhaps the starkest indication of how radically life has changed for nearly all of the members of this extended family.
The statements were the starkest indication yet that G.M. plans to make a concerted pitch to the United Auto Workers union to help the company out of its deep financial hole.