With the demands on the system coming during a period of such low rainfall, the complexities are on stark display here on the Skagit River.
Nowhere is that on starker display than in Kunshan, a town that Taiwan built.
The privileged were on stark display today at the Japanese Noodle House, a year-old restaurant in the center of the city, which prefers dollars for payment.
One of the starkest displays of the gap between his words and his actions is evident in the case of the District of Columbia.
The risks of Merck's strategy have been on stark display this year.
The rickety transition from war to peace is on stark display at the Ducor Hotel, a onetime four-star establishment with panoramic views of the sea.
Most visitors are stunned into silence as soon as they arrive, and some weep openly as they gape at the stark displays.
Drive two hours north to Kaduna, however, and the despair is on stark display.
The grave Kerry face was on stark display that day, his voice breaking at times.
It was a stark display of power, and Johnson loved it.