He stared implacably at Dekyk, who remained unmoving like a nightmarish statue.
The eyes were deep and fathomless pits that stared at us implacably.
He knew why Chiun was staring implacably at the horizon.
He stopped when I approached, stared at me implacably with his yellow eyes.
He was just implacably staring at me, so I hit him with the heavy stuff.
The skull-face behind her crystalline skin stared at him implacably from clear blue eyes.
She turned her head and stared implacably at them as they rounded the shoulder of the peak.
Brennan's gray eyes stared implacably into Kien's black ones.
It stared at them implacably as it began the next circle.
Jackson's bodyguard, the ace called Straight Arrow, stared implacably across at him.