In the roof above their heads a panel shot back, showing a strip of star-lit sky and a huge thing made of white metal, with the shape and fins of a fish, swinging as if at anchor.
The theater is known as an atmospheric theatre, where customers can experience sitting under a star-lit sky and clouds that appear to move across the horizon.
Instead he walked to the south window to fill his lungs with the free air beyond his prison pen, and gaze sorrowfully at the star-lit sky which he should never again behold.
This was simply a narrow split in the great solid mass of the cliffs,, and an irregular knifeedge of star-lit sky was visible, hundreds of feet overhead.
You can dine at your neighbors' house under a star-lit sky, drinking the wine and other aperitifs they have made themselves.
The trees made dark patches against the star-lit sky above.
But some noise had awakened me, and now as I stared at the window, I saw the star-lit sky blotted out by a bulky, misshapen figure.
The land loomed to their left, a dark mass rising to the star-lit sky.
It had begun the night before when she looked up vainly at the star-lit sky to see Solaria's star, which was not in the sky and would not have been visible to her if it were.
The end of the canyon was like a gigantic door ... beyond was the valley, the star-lit skies.