Then night and stars whirled past him.
Sunbursts, clouds and stars whirled on the band's tentlike backdrop.
If the dome had been glass the stars would have whirled around us, too fast for comfortable viewing.
And behind his face the stars whirled.
The stars whirled overhead; the old moon and its two blank-faced consorts leaped and bobbed.
Days and nights flickered and were gone, until the planets and the stars whirled around him, becoming a flashing rainbow of colors.
The stars whirled on the viewscreen like a child's pinwheel.
Out there, stars whirled in their slow spin and he had known, beyond a doubt, that they spun around him.
Then the star whirled away, swept out of view by the rotation of its galaxy.
The star whirled his chained mace above his head so that the spike whistled in the air.