The star Italian sprinter and showman arrived today with his Saeco teammates and the 20 other teams of 9 men each who will set off Saturday in the three-week race.
Missing from the 188 riders who started the stage were Mario Cipollini, the star Italian sprinter, who quit halfway through.
Cipollini, the star Italian sprinter for the Saeco team, was way ahead of the accident - about two bicycle lengths ahead of everybody, in fact.
The race will be run without the star sprinter Artax, who injured his foreleg during a workout this week and was retired on Thursday.
Stafford was a star sprinter and captain of the school's baseball team.
He started playing rugby at Auckland Grammar School, where he was also a star sprinter, captain of athletics and, during his final year in 1996, Head Prefect.
He was a star sprinter at LaFayette High School and co-captain of the football team.
Cipollini, 33, the star sprinter and team leader, hurt some ribs in a crash during a training ride two weeks ago.
Flowers was a star sprinter and long jumper at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and originally aspired to make the U.S. Summer Olympic Team.
The girls track team was expected to retain its county championship despite the loss of its star sprinter.