The harbor was dark and calm, the distant stars and crescent moon reflected on the still waters.
Close to shore, bright stars shone through gaps in the clouds and reflected in the dark water.
In ancient times they'd said the stars reflected what went on below.
Cadderly saw a million stars reflected a million times.
The stars reflected themselves with marvelous clearness in the dark water.
They wore striped green and gold kits similar to the old Rowdies, and a star reflecting the 1975 championship.
The assembled stars reflected the station's aura of sanguine self-deprecation.
Far over the water's black surface stars reflected and, Keli thought, as he hunched closer to the fire, something else did too.
A million scattered stars reflected snow light so that, even without the moon, he could see clearly the outlines of the barracks stretching in all directions.
Its two stars may reflect some of the rooms, but not the wonky historical appeal - or the restaurant, which is first-class.