Producers calculate the expected increase that a star will provide to a film's profit, then pay that star the difference.
The stars would provide the answer, the constellations he had seen as a boy.
Only a star with all of its circling planets could provide them with the resources necessary.
There is also no hope of light at night, the new barracks having now grown high enough to block out what the stars provide.
The stars above Flagstaff, Ariz., provide a backward view through time.
The big vessels had to have a continuing influx of energy, and only the stars could provide that.
No lights anywhere, save for what remained in the sky and what little the stars would provide now that dusk had come.
He could not have done more even if he'd wished; the stars and three tiny moons did not provide enough light to permit further progress.
The breeze kept on after sunset, and the stars provided guidance.
The stars provide a rough guide to separate great, good, average, bad and terrible.