Not a star pricked the sky.
The brightest stars were pricking their way into the twilight sky.
The rain had stopped and stars pricked the dayglo orange haze of the London evening sky.
Only the trees still dripped, but overhead the first stars pricked through the dispersing thunder clouds that were being carried away on the rising breeze.
One by one the stars pricked the roof of the cabin and they were above the cloud.
The rocket trails seemed brighter now as they climbed into a cloudless twilight sky where the first few stars pricked the dark.
The dark clouds were rolling back into the north and the stars were pricking through, but already paling out before the threat of dawn.
The stars were already pricking the sky, and frost was in the air.
A million stars pricked a sky now closer to morning than to midnight.
The sunset faded, and stars pricked the indigo dome above.