It was so easy, so pathetic that even the stars of screen and sport joined in the chorus of boos.
Captain Proton hoped the giant red star would join that list of missing objects soon.
One other star joined the absentees as the holiday weekend unfolded.
It says With those with royal blood five stars will join together to form a pentagon.
Harry Altham declared that "a brilliant new star had joined the cluster of the Southern Cross".
Once the director and producers approved the new routine, the star joined these rehearsals.
Now for another instant the stars which had been motionless, poised upon the whirling spheres, joined in their mad spinning.
These clusters gradually disperse, and the stars join the population of the Milky Way.
While star joined star, the circle was the world, full of light and sound and power.
For the merest instant, a new star joined the panoply.