Blue, orange, and red sparkling stars floated in the bright white light in front of his eyes.
Identical stars floated above the arched windows on either side of the doorway.
In a moment the star floated right off the stone, its rays dangling like legs, and cruised slowly through the air.
The star detached itself and floated upward like the flowing ghost of an arachnid.
The stars floated free like buoys cut loose on a dark sea.
Bright flowers and stars float in an arc over a man and a woman dancing below.
Behind it, stars floated away in the blackness.
Ahead, the world ended, and the stars floated in the void before him.
The hard white surface of the tank was soft, he was floating, spinning, and the stars floated around his head.
Up in the dark sky stars floated, big, vague, pale.