That fire was still aburning, away off yonder, like a star fallen out of the sky.
Away in the distant hills shepherds' fires winked like stars fallen upon the land.
Picketfires and cooking fires glowed like stars fallen to the ground in the surrounding fields.
There's been water under the bridge, aye, and stars fallen, since we last met, eh?
The point of light flickered like a baleful star fallen to the ground outside the wall of the little city.
One house was in sight, well away, its windows like stars fallen to earth.
A ball of fire formed in the center of the totem, shining bright as a lost star fallen to the ground.
It was a star, fallen from the heavens, and it lay upon the hills.
It became a star, fallen from the vault of God's own heaven.
The rolling streets of Beverly Hills were dotted with sparkling white lights, like so many stars fallen to earth and slowly sputtering to death.