The show starred prominent actors and actresses at the time, including:
Many of his films during his early years were film shorts, starring lesser known actors and actresses.
The Jabaku series often stars well-known actresses and uses high production values and elaborate sets.
It was also the first of three films he directed starring actress and wife Anne-Marie Juhl.
Suzie Gold is a 2004 British film starring American actress, Summer Phoenix.
These three-day long blocks featured three different movies starring a particular actor or actress with a different marathon block being shown following the previous block's conclusion.
The Golden Girls, a show about four older women sharing a home in Miami, which starred actresses who all starred in other shows before this.
All films in the series are filmed on location in Budapest, Hungary, and primarily star Hungarian actresses.
Starring actress Lora Lieb, native to San Francisco but unknown as a performer, took less applause.