Federman has recognized that this is a staple feature of his works.
To capitalise on actress Angela Richards' singing talents, Monique performed regularly for the Candide's diners and this became a staple feature of the series.
Backward compatibility also became a staple feature to gaming in this decade.
The game introduced what would become staple features of Oddworld games.
Additionally, letters from the front were a staple feature - virtually every regiment had one or more correspondents.
Apparently, crumbs of comfort are needed when contemplating fears of meeting the mortgage payments, unemployment and other staple features of everyday life.
Shopping arcades are a staple feature of every Japanese city, town, and village.
From 1946 they became a staple feature of the new radio arts network, the Third Programme.
- has become a staple feature of home games.
Crichlow was pleased that the film features a staple feature of sports movies; a training montage.