It is a standout episode for its provocative subject matter and story construction.
Blackwell named "Pavor Nocturnus", "Veritas" and "Haunted" as the standout episodes.
Another standout episode, and one of the few here to involve graphic bloodshed, finds Ryan and a group of colleagues suddenly ambushed on a narrow street in Bogota.
In review of the second season, David Blackwell of Enterline Media named "Pavor Nocturnus" as a standout episode, along with "Veritas" and "Haunted".
This week's FX schedule features "Fool for Love" (6 p.m Tuesday), a standout episode from Season 5 featuring the platinum-haired vampire Spike.
Many of its standout episodes have flashed back to events like the gang's worst Thanksgivings; one witty alternate-future flash-forward episode went so far as to include a goofy new title sequence.
Aaron Peck of High-Def Digest stated that the episode is one of his "personal favourites," and Ron Martin of 411Mania called it a "standout episode."
Jamahl Epsicokhan of Jammers Reviews calls Unity "a standout [Voyager] episode.
In one standout episode, Frankie accidentally eats her son's toenail clippings.
Canning, calling the episode "funny" and "a standout episode in this later season," was particularly fond of the episode's opening.