At the end of the year, students took statewide standardized math and reading tests.
The district's students must also meet specific targets on standardized math and English tests.
Slightly more than half of students scored above national averages on standardized math and English tests.
Last year, students at most state charter schools outperformed students at traditional public schools in their respective districts on standardized math and English tests.
That's a key reason why a study by the National Science Foundation found fault with standardized math and science tests.
To be on the list, a school must score well below the state average on standardized math and reading tests.
The study examined the six leading standardized math and science tests and the most widely used textbooks published from 1987 to 1991.
New York State education officials released a list yesterday of 712 schools that have posted steep gains on standardized math and reading tests since 1999.
But officials in schools where students score well on standardized math and reading tests cautioned parents not to look at test scores alone.
Administrators review applicants' past performance on standardized math and reading tests.