As Internet usage grew from the mid-1990s, many of these became standard themes of web humor, and currently run on his blog
Her first patrol pretty much set the standard theme for the many that followed.
It is this way of moving that makes Mr. Brown's approach to standard themes different.
It was much harder for Kamsky to exploit the standard black theme of creating a serious mating attack.
Certainly he sometimes wrote on the standard themes of political theory.
Over the years, the epic has become a standard theme (called prasanga) for Yakshaganas.
There is an option to swap the standard theme with a children's theme.
When you try to create a variation on a standard theme, it often lacks strength.
When preaching on standard Christian themes, they were not attracted to any kind of salvation without work.
The available themes all basically look like the standard black-and-green theme, except with a different highlighting color that replaces the green.