Still, in the view of the state, the public school students will stand at a high academic achievement level as the new standards take hold.
These standards took into account input from industry, other state governments and environmental groups.
But as the international standard has taken hold, tastes are changing.
But in the last year, when the standard of living took a nose dive, more were abandoned by parents to state institutions.
You don't want a governing - look how long standards take.
But currently in the country has not formed a standard, so all aspects of good and bad, takes time.
The proposed Federal standards would not take effect until 1991.
What shape could common standards on patient rights in Europe take?
Considering, however, that these standards will not take effect for a number of years, I wonder why we are in such a hurry now.
But before those standards can take effect, the environmental agency must grant the states a waiver.