Some organic standard setters are beginning to refine their criteria so that organic products better match their natural ideals.
The company hopes to be a standard setter in these areas.
Still the standard setter, with an astounding, unrivalled hit of power at the top of its rev range.
The standard setters at the Financial Accounting Standards Board have said the two cash numbers should agree, and they usually do.
Obvious taxonomy owners are governments, regulators and standard setters.
It fell short of its goals, largely because the true standard setter in social, Facebook, withheld its cooperation.
As a global standard setter, Sony has enjoyed high margins and big market shares.
Attendance at annual Festival events total 26,000 and the Festival is recognized throughout the national storytelling world as a standard setter.
Nothing second rate, however, obtrudes on the concept and construction of the KEF 107, which is clearly intended as a standard setter.
The trustees' job will be to pick the standard setters and then raise money to keep the body in business.