By those standards, "Horny Peeping Librarian" (Greenleaf Classics, 1984) would qualify as literary reading, but Brian Greene's "Fabric of the Cosmos" and Ron Chernow's biography of Alexander Hamilton, two very well-written recent books, would not.
Ideas had been circulated to raise the standards to qualify for the grants, but concerns of impact to minority and disadvantaged students paused such legislation until subsequent budget cuts forced changes.
JSC was notified on February 2008 by International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) that it has fulfilled all conditions & standards to qualify to be a signatory to the IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU).
The standard of eight teams qualify for the playoffs.
After the regular season, the standard of 8 teams qualified for the playoffs.
A high standard of achievement qualifies students to apply for entry to postgraduate taught courses and research studies.
It then accepted a new structure in which a minimum standard of English and arithmetic qualified a child to go on to an intelligence test to measure its 'capacity'.
She would not be able to meet the standards to qualify for an exception from the rules, he said.
Much about Burnham Beeches, the only hotel Down Under whose standard of services qualify it for listing in the Relais and Chateaux guide, an association of small luxury hotels, belies the brash, sunburned Australian image so in favor these days.