There is no standard nomenclature, so sellers can call the plan anything they want.
Areas expanded after the formation of the initial 1970 layouts do not follow the standard nomenclature.
However this is not a standard nomenclature.
Due to lack of standard nomenclature, institutions use varying names and designations to refer to the environmental policy degrees they award.
In addition, there is no standard nomenclature for pediatric patient safety that is widely used.
Using the standard nomenclature for Johnson solids, an octahedron would be called a square bipyramid.
This term was accepted and used by Soddy, and has become standard scientific nomenclature.
Beyond these two types, there is no agreed-upon standard nomenclature.
Without any co-operative development these early grading systems lacked standard nomenclature, and consistency.
There appears to be no standard nomenclature for keeping the two senses distinct.