PC-based systems which could accomplish these tasks based on standard networks began to be available at minimal or no cost.
Links in a standard network represent connectivity, providing information about how one node can be reached from another.
Adapting standard networks could use commodity technology, but tight quality of service control was difficult.
This project has the potential to have large benefits to smaller countries that cannot afford a standard seismic network.
The first test start of the new standard network took place in the city of Kazan on August, 30th, 2010.
Tables and figure below show the results of running the mentioned algorithms on different standard networks.
True 1920 x 1080p resolution is shared realtime over standard networks.
Internet calls are cheaper than those over standard networks for two basic reasons.
American television is probably less constrained outside the precincts of standard network prime time.
Spain has a very reliable and affordable standard network.