And he has published the standard monograph on the Belgian-Dutch painter Henry Luyten as well as a book on that painter's school.
The standard monograph on the main early centers, published in an extravagant format that now brings over $1200 on the book market.
They commissioned and published the first standard monographs on the bellwether makers.
Now the standard monograph, with 61 photographs and 70 pages of commentary.
The Monroe Doctrine, 1823-1826 (1927), the standard monograph about the origins of the doctrine.
(New York: Abaris Books, 1979) - the standard monograph, though often taken issue with by other writers.
This standard monograph gives many examples of null dust solutions.
The standard monograph and catalogue, with thorough descriptions of hundreds of prints.
You wrote the standard monograph on determining time of death by insect activity, didn't you.
The standard monograph treating Paine's thought and work with regard to America.