Even in the standard literature, he has not lighted many fires of enthusiasm.
These have been expanded on in further work, firmly tying Treatise into the standard mathematical literature.
I've read quite a bit of the standard literature this past month or so and I'm in complete agreement with your stated goals.
Gamblers Anonymous has several approved books used as standard literature in the group, these most popular five.
Not to say that she doesn't play standard literature.
It's also very important that quartets, instead of looking for a new gimmick, really play the standard literature with daring.
Criticism has been raised that six participants were given the drug in such a short time, which is against the recommendations of standard literature.
Many of these works were published and have become part of the standard literature for the wind band medium.
Entering this world can be daunting, especially for a group of singers with a repertory different from the standard Western vocal literature.
We believe it is valuable for the public, including our members, to be exposed to new repertory and new performances of standard literature.