It was organized to coincide with the publication of de la Faille's standard catalogue of Van Gogh's work.
It was based on the Security Service's standard catalogue of locations identified either for their potential vulnerability or strategic/ideological significance.
The full account of the circumstances of the discovery is told in the standard catalogue.
Few have made it into standard catalogues, and the provenance of some is murky.
The machine was equipped with a standard catalogue of relevant law, but alignment with their particular situation was a problem he had to work out by himself.
The Common Criteria presents a standard catalogue of such functions.
In most such cases, only one will be considered the current standard catalogue for the purposes of musicological indexing.
Its catalogue is the standard catalogue on the desk of every library in Oxford.
It remains the standard catalogue and study of the period.
At the same time, the houses have been tiptoeing on museum and publishing territory, mounting museum-style exhibitions and producing lavish books, besides the standard catalogues.