As well, the industry must develop more efficient and environmentally friendly aircraft parts products to meet environmental standards aimed at reducing aircraft noise and engine combustion emissions.
The recommendations include "new standards aimed at strengthening operators' ability to deal with a complete loss of power, ensuring plants can withstand floods and earthquakes and improving emergency response capabilities".
The proposed standards, aimed for the end of the decade, are part of a broader industry effort to improve the safety of sport utilities and pickup trucks.
F.T.C. Reports on Liquor Ads The Federal Trade Commission has recommended tightening the standards aimed at preventing beer, wine and liquor companies from marketing to people younger than 21.
Regulators around the world have followed several trails of suspect financial transactions back to Ireland, which more than a decade ago instituted accommodating tax and regulatory standards aimed at encouraging insurers to set up shop here.
Operational guidelines are interpretations of the technical standards aimed at the implementations required for a specific case.
Michael Leavitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, will announce today new standards aimed at reducing smog in the country's most polluted urban areas as well as its national parks.
It is a vocational training program, within existing legal standards aimed at providing knowledge, skills and abilities required for the design and management of information systems and documentation of various sorts.
In addition, the Commission is of the opinion that the text adopted by the Council contains a series of standards aimed at bringing a degree of harmonisation to a competitive European internal natural gas market.
The Commission's departments continue to work towards introducing into national and regional programmes standards and measures aimed at stopping the spread and accumulation of illicit weapons.