I was in no shape for a stand-up fight of any kind.
Fair, stand-up fights, but still the men were dead by his gun.
They nearly had a stand-up fight at the monthly board meeting, and William was voted down by twelve to two.
He might kill a man in a stand-up fight, but he'd never shoot one in the back.
I think we all know that the Russkies aren't going to pull their own weight out here, not if it comes to a stand-up fight.
In a plain stand-up fight, they counted for a great deal.
Dear to the English heart is a fair stand-up fight.
I knew, as he knew, that it was a stand-up fight with death, and in a pause told him so.
At least they're good in a stand-up fight in the open.
The Kurians usually came off the worse in a stand-up fight.