The next day the scientists disconnected the switching computer from the Spartacus net and ran it as a stand-alone device that the system was unable to access.
However, this is rarely an issue for stand-alone devices or appliances, as the computation is completely offloaded from other systems.
It can be used in conjunction with regular board trainings or as a stand-alone device.
Moreover, because the videophone is a stand-alone device that works with a television instead of a computer, it can be simpler to use.
There are, however, stand-alone devices like personal video recorders which can also author and record discs.
They handle enough traffic that they're generally stand-alone devices rather than software running on a server.
It can mean slightly different things to different people, especially as stand-alone electronic devices become more like computers.
Not surprisingly, they see computers as the main conduit, not stand-alone electronic devices.
Later, stand-alone electronic devices with built-in random lists of word phrases were made available.
Still, the industry expects to sell about a half-million of the new players in 2006, mostly as components in PC's rather than as stand-alone devices.