For a moment the girl of Opar stood wide-eyed and staring.
She was standing wide-eyed and tense, watching them drag me away.
Back now on the top step of the stairway, Drizzt stood wide-eyed in amazement.
The other men, near to a dozen, stood wide-eyed and still as statues.
Ayla noticed the girl, tall, with long blond hair, standing wide-eyed, watching them.
He came face to face with himself for a moment in the mirror over the fireplace and stood wide-eyed, as if looking at a ghost.
Chelsea stood wide-eyed before me, the butterfly still as death on her cheekbone.
Blenheim stood wide-eyed in shock, backing up into one of the first class rows.
The fellow had retreated to the end of the bridge, where he now stood trembling and wide-eyed, facing the beast that moved slowly toward him.
The captives stood wide-eyed in astonished silence at the awesome sight.