He instructed them to stand unarmed in the control room while his men took down details of their names and ranks.
Reaching up, he caught the jewel from his head and flung it away standing forth unarmed.
He will find out what it is like, to stand unarmed, while others aim their guns for his heart.
He stood alone and unarmed in face of an enemy from whom he could expect no mercy.
"You loved me enough to stand unarmed in front of a madman, but not enough to face your own heart."
The other, middle-aged, was pale-faced as he stood unarmed beside his companion.
The next moment, with clenched jaw and hand, he passed Atufal, and stood unarmed in the light.
Mark could still hardly believe the fact that he stood unarmed and completely unprotected here at Great Longwood.
"She stands unarmed in the midst of her enemies, and she speaks the truth."
To stand unarmed in the midst of armed troops, defeated without a fight, was the worst thing she could imagine.