The young inventor stood almost spellbound for a few moments.
He turned from me and went to Larry and Jason, who were still standing spellbound.
The three foxes stood disappointed but spellbound at the glowing scene before them.
Erix stood spellbound as the dawn light spilled across the pyramid and the sea below.
I have always stood spellbound before on of Booth's noble pen paintings.
Awed by the sight of so much immensity, Jerome stood spellbound.
Then the sun came out from behind a , loud, its light struck through the window for about half a minute-and I stood spellbound.
Around him, under the giant trees, his homely audience stood silent and spellbound.
To Dolour and the other children, standing spellbound before his door, he was at first only a ghost amidst the yellow dust.
Women stood spellbound with terror, too frightened to leap.