Uncle Pimsy stood somberly by Neville's side.
Mr. Rader, who appeared through a videoconference from the county jail, stood somberly, hands crossed before him, lips pursed.
EPILOGUE Eight robed figures stood somberly in the large clearing, bluish light illuminating them from the rotund globe of the full moon.
On a garden terrace overlooking the scarred ruins of Zimia, Xavier Harkonnen stood somberly by himself, dreading the upcoming "victory" parade.
The Duke of Qaval and the Earl of Dollar stood somberly before the corpse.
As Mr. McKeon stood somberly before the bench, Judge Sifton did not hide his shock.
While Quarley stood somberly at the door in the hallway, Cranston studied the tank and its machine with keen, steady gaze.
The boys who used to be her friends now stood somberly on street corners crowded with people looking for a high.
Pawldo suddenly looked at Fiona, standing somberly.
At an arraignment on Tuesday afternoon before Judge Netti C. Vogel of Kent County Superior Court, the three men stood somberly and pleaded not guilty.