Then I stood smartly to attention, trying to keep a straight face as I pulled down on the string.
As the door swung open, Gabriel in his white wig and crimson livery stood smartly at attention.
Skipper stood smartly to attention at the Major's side.
The very human looking figure stepped off the ramp and stood smartly to attention.
He stood smartly to attention, saluting the old Colonel.
Eliza's hair, hung in a tight Gypsy's braid, stood smartly at attention on the top of her head.
Forget the soft golden light, the quiet hush that fills the air, the waiters standing smartly at attention.
"The Governor," announced the first warder, and stood smartly to attention.
"A person, my lord," Adams reported, and stood smartly to attention.
One of the troopers by the door stood smartly aside, waiting for him.