Some stand singly, not talking.
These stood singly or in groups of dwellings called villages, and in nearly all the houses, whether big or little, Claus found children.
Everywhere he looked he saw in the distance tall columns of stone, sometimes standing singly, sometimes in groups.
They stood singly, in twos, in tens, in one place even thirty together, here in a bare patch of sand, there amongst the bush, with the wild vines trailing over them.
There were a large number of Blacks, both men and women, present, standing singly or sitting in small groups of two or three.
They stood singly and, like the television monitors, in no easy repetitive order.
They stood singly or in small groups, in front of, behind, and all around him.
Here and there street prostitutes stood along the curb singly or in pairs.
At first glance it can seem that Mr. Milosz, wagering that a poet's words can stand singly against oblivion, has lost.
The bell rang and -the brokers stood singly or in small disconsolate groups about the floor.