In it Mr. Maida stands shirtless before the camera and repeats, "I love you."
The interior features individual photos of the band members (minus Alan Baculis) standing shirtless before a black backdrop, with images of graffiti-filled brick walls projected onto them.
Eleven young men stood shirtless in the upper deck along the right-field line at Kauffman Stadium tonight, with red letters scrawled across their chests.
Richard stood shirtless, dressed in nothing but jeans and whatever shoes he was wearing.
The captain stood shirtless in front of his mirror, his broad, muscular back turned toward the door.
He was in the kitchen, standing shirtless in front of the gleaming stove in the brilliant white-and-black kitchen.
In one instance, Shang was able to stand shirtless in -20 weather without feeling any physical discomfort.
A tiny, white-haired man with dark arms like banyan branches stood shirtless by the dockmaster's office, cutting fish at a table put there for that very purpose.
The hundreds of photos taken of the 15-year-old also included him standing shirtless after getting out of the shower, as well as photos of his father and friends.