It stood in a black robe, one eye socket empty and bleeding, the other bearing a spike that had been crushed back into its skull.
She stood like a wax dummy in a blue satin robe.
Ramallo, the old Sayyadina, stood beside him in a dusty black robe.
Between the two thrones stood a young woman in a loose white robe with a golden helmet upon her head.
Dominic stood over them in a white ceremonial robe.
Oppo-site them stood a figure in a long gray robe, hood shadow-ing the face.
Storm stood beside it in a robe, hair wet.
The father, Abdul Hadi, stood across the room in a white robe.
It was Jane, of course, and once he recognized her she was standing beside him in a flowing white robe.
The ancient Oriental stood in a ceremonial white robe across the room from Remo.