The water was barely cool to the skin, the stone smooth under her feet as she stood hugging herself.
Julie stood at the foot of the bed hugging herself.
They go out the living room's lower entrance and past the teenagers, who stand silently hugging each other.
She looked nearly as lost as Hannah, who stood hugging the archway into the living room, her face pressed hard against the wall.
She stood hugging the book to her chest, staring at him as though he had just stepped from a dragon ship wielding his sword.
Helena stood hugging herself, a solitary tear tracing a path down her left cheek.
The two-biter's name was Caroline, and she stood hugging herself as if she were cold.
Mika squirmed out from under the blanket and stood hugging herself.
She walked in and stood hugging her raincoat around her.
Gloria stood hugging herself and shook her head as if clearing it.