In crisp style he took the cab that had come for him, and Moe, standing dejectedly by, heard the address.
Irulan, entering the room as Ghanima spoke, glanced inquiringly at Alia and the two female advisors who stood dejectedly beside her.
Double-O stood dejectedly in the information center.
Zambia was still standing dejectedly by the reception booth smoking a cigarette the receptionist had given hir out of pity.
She stood dejectedly beside a decaying hulk.
But Gimlet was only standing dejectedly, with drooping ears.
We took the little elevator to the first floor, where Loki struggled out of my arms and stood dejectedly in the middle of the living room.
Outside in the corridor eight or nine Sackers were standing dejectedly in a half-circle, waiting for them to come out.
All the grief of the past few months was mirrored in Angus Huff's face as he stood dejectedly, looking off toward the dark hills.
Unwin stood dejectedly in the corner near the door, looking crumpled, as if he'd been discarded there.