He made straight for the desk, where Tukel was standing astounded by the clatter of footsteps.
Nenna and the two girls shook off a certain teatime drowsiness and went back on deck, where they stood astounded.
Outside the doorway, the two men stood astounded.
He stood astounded, his mind snatched from its dark purpose.
Marling stood astounded while Hildrow produced the letter that the commander had written.
The second assassin stood astounded, then snatched forth a gun.
As Carpenter stood astounded, he saw a knife quivering in Borglund's arm!
And stood astounded at the thought, for he'd not believed that he had it in him, this willing, almost eager, sacrifice.
And stood astounded, frozen in the middle of the street, that he should have known.
When he reached the big room, he stood astounded.