An overseas stamp costs a fourth of an average monthly salary.
Typical numbers are in the 5% percent range, meaning that the stamps cost a small fraction of their price when sold individually by dealers.
In the late 1960's, stamps cost a nickel - a figure set by Congress and all but totally unrelated to costs.
The stamp costs $7.50 and it is required of pheasant hunters age 18 and older.
Write all the letters you want, a stamp still only costs thirteen cents.
The "stamp" referred to in the law costs $200.
Food stamps and Medicaid for welfare families costs about $40 billion more.
A 22-cent stamp may cost a quarter at the private services, and it is usually a few dollars extra to send packages.
Arthur Godfrey can be seen on that newfangled thing called the television, and stamps cost three cents.
The stamps cost 68p, which is, incidentally, the cost of sending first-class mail to Australia.