Meg stamped, loudly and angrily, against the hard, cold surface of the rock.
They waited, stamping their feet against the cold, shivering and watching.
The fat spiv only shrugged and stamped his feet against the cold.
Before he could recover, she lifted her left foot and stamped it against the back of his knee.
"Late, early, I don't care," she said, stamping her feet against the brisk morning chill.
He slammed the door shut and stood for a moment in the huge foyer, stamping his feet against the February cold.
"We got thrown out," Joey said, stamping his feet against the cold night air.
He knelt down and stamped the toe of his boot against the stone.
They had their arms wrapped around themselves and were stamping their boots against the cold.
He stamped against the plates with his heavy boots, hoping to attract attention.