It looked inviting and refreshing compared to the stale tense atmosphere of the auditorium.
Now, as she wearily trailed behind him into the main living-room, Laura's nose wrinkled at the musty, stale atmosphere of the room.
After the stale, recirculated atmosphere of the ship this was like breathing a subtle scent.
Air rushed in, blowing out the stale atmosphere that had collected in the cave.
It stank, but it was better than the stale atmosphere of the bar.
Finally I got tired of sitting in the smoky, stale atmosphere of the room and went down to the lobby.
All through the ship ports opened and stale atmosphere gushed away from Frarsk.
"I might as well take advantage of the stale atmosphere and add to it," said Giordino, lighting up one of his exotic cigars.
I had a headache from the stale stuffy atmosphere.
When he turned it on, the lights faded in and the air conditioner began to recycle the stale atmosphere.