The proposals were progressively refined over time as part of modules or sub projects and often in response to stakeholder involvement.
Identification of public issues, management concerns, opportunities, and threats through collaborative stakeholder involvement.
The Agency has solicited extensive stakeholder involvement in the development of these regulations, which are currently in draft.
It's hard not to suspect rushing for political purposes; perhaps there was a "unique level of stakeholder involvement" on the part of the Gore campaign.
A critical element of successful reclamation and of good closure planning is stakeholder involvement.
He has sought broad stakeholder involvement on the issue of climate change.
The program encourages stakeholder involvement through a variety of opportunities (see Getting Involved).
The - Unique quality label builds on the broadest stakeholder involvement.
I would stress the need for broad and balanced stakeholder involvement.
Through stakeholder involvement it became apparent that a standard-setting body would be required to verify the source of wood products and define sustainable forest management.