Albarino is made in stainless-steel tanks to preserve its fruitiness.
"As you can see, we have three stainless-steel tanks," Mann said.
The cellar of the winery has 14 huge stainless-steel tanks.
Six new stainless-steel tanks for fermentation, storage and aging have also arrived.
The wine is now produced in stainless-steel tanks with a combined capacity of 15,000 gallons.
Some tankers return laden with stainless-steel tanks of drinking water, Inagua's life blood.
Even longtime restaurants added stainless-steel fermenting tanks just to keep pace.
Wine and biotech drugs are both made by growing cells, usually in stainless-steel tanks.
The wine's bounce comes from a tiny amount of fizz built into it in stainless-steel tanks during the production process.
A pile of stainless-steel tanks lay in one corner of the tent.