These cells do not absorb bone marrow stains and stain positive for cytokeratin, a protein normally found in the lining of the breast and colon.
Both monoblasts and promonocytes stain positive for non-specific esterase (NSE), however NSE may often be negative.
In the white matter, a minute proportion of interstitial neurons has also been found to stain positive for reelin expression.
However, this tumor did not stain positive for nmt55/p54 nrbwhen polyclonal antibody NMT-4 was utilized (Panel C).
Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma will not resemble the normal glands (high grade) and will be detected by seeing that they stain positive for mucin (which the glands produce).
At this dose 75% of the hepatocytes stained positive for β-Galactosidase.
About 40% of carcinoids have a scattering of sustentacular cells, which stain positive for S-100.
Though they have very different names, they have the same histology, and stain positive for CD68, HAM56, and vimentin.
The high mitotic activity of Burkitt lymphoma is confirmed by nearly 100% of the cells staining positive for Ki67.
Members of the Deinococcus-Thermus group, stain positive but are diderms with a thick peptidoglycan.