At a simply staggering profit.
We have made staggering profits for the people who are running funds, but, since the industry began, expenses have risen 25 percent - despite the huge economies of scale now in mutual funds.
The main reason for that staggering profit - aside from the consistency of the program's popularity - is its relatively low production costs.
They became extremely successful in turning businesses around and showing staggering profits.
There were the two gold and jewelled boxes Müller had sold him at a staggering profit, considering he had bought them from someone facing criminal charges, and desperate for cash.
But the company's shareholders have had little to complain about, given the company's staggering profits, record dividends and stock performance.
But as foreign funds began selling their investments at staggering profits, a backlash started.
Now, with that money returning into the international banks at 20 to 1, I think you can see the staggering profits.
It's enough to make you wonder just what Microsoft is up to - this is a company not known for initiatives that don't eventually lead to staggering profits.
Everyone wants to be like Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Company or one of the other top firms that have made staggering profits by specializing in arranging buyouts of companies.