He averaged 30.7 points and 10 rebounds per game while shooting a staggering 71.7 percent from the floor.
The market for mortgage loans grew by a staggering 40 percent last year.
The report estimated that from 1988 to 1989, the production of opium increased by a staggering 47 percent.
In 1942 alone, revenues increased by a staggering 905 percent.
Over 600 patients treated at the burn unit since June 2009 - with a staggering 41 percent being children.
But it was the Russian central bank's move to raise official interest rates to a staggering 150 percent that got the most attention last week.
But international officials say the Government is still spending a staggering 60 percent of its budget on military and security forces.
And for very low-income families, with annual incomes below $10,000, the increase was a staggering 184 percent.
It expects sales to fall a staggering 15 percent, or by $5 billion, next year.
In 1994, he was re-elected with a staggering 71 percent of the vote.